Friday, August 8, 2008

30. The last sting!

Location: an undisclosed beehive, in an undisclosed place.
The hive is buzzing with activity. The QueenB commands her workers to do this and to do that. Mr. B was summoned up and given orders to explore new sites for nectar-flowers. The exploring-new-flower-patches work has to be done at night, in the dark, without taking the risk of being spied by the bees from the enemy base-comb. And this was Mr. B’s first work, outside the comb, at night…Oh yeah…he was a bit excited and nervous of course…
So Mr. B takes off from his base-comb at 00:00hrs and sets out for his mission. It’s a pitch black no moon night, and normal visibility is quite poor. Mr. B switches on to night vision mode and scans the entire area. Soon it spots a shimmer of light near the rose shrub patches in ‘quadrant nine’. The light seemed to be coming from a building and Mr. B hovers around the building to find out the exact location of the light source, wondering how there could possibly be light after the sun had set.
Soon Mr. B reaches a window of the lighted room, and peeps in. Holy Honey! This is where the sun comes to take rest after setting eh?–reduce into a bulbous shape and hang there just like that?? Hmmm…interesting

Mr. B extends his gaze further into the room and spots a female homo sapien reclining on a bed…Is she asleep? Ha! Hope so…humans are our enemies…they steal our hard earned honey…cruel heartless creatures…Hey but no, she is not asleep. She’s doing something with a ‘TV’ like thingy…but no, this is not the idiot box…I’ve seen enough of ‘em around. This looks like something else, and I think she’s reading from it…Ah! who cares?…let her do her job while I go fetch some honey…so…where are the flowers?
Mr. B enters the room through a small cleft in the wire meshed window, circumnavigates the whole place, and spots a bunch of bright red juicy flowers. Hey this one’s planted in a fancy pot. Never seen one like this before. These human females...they are so funny and fancy. Oops I musn’t linger around here for long. Should test these nectar samples and report it to her highness ASAP. Oh honey! here I come… and Mr. B darts towards the flowers when, Ouch! My fangs! Yuck! what is this thing? This aint real flowers…eek plastic!! Grr...dumb female! Hmph! looks like I entered the wrong territory. Gotta get outta here and go get some real honey.
Mr. B circles around the whole room, to find an exit. Oh no! How did I get in here? How do I get out? Mr. B keeps circling round and round and round till it gets exhausted...Low honey-level! low honey-pressure!…gonna crash…and lower and lower it went until THUD! Mr. B crashed his last and final crash…
Lying on the floor, taking his last few breaths, Mr. B reflects his whole life. Flashes from his life pass by through his mind...childhood, fun moments, loved ones, high and low times of life, the human attack on their base-comb…it regretted even on its death bed, not having taken any revenge on the human species…it felt its stinger twitch and sighed at having made no use of its powerful weapon at the rear. Suddenly the world around him began to quiver…it felt a mild tremor…OMG! what’s this now? An earthquake? Oh No! it’s the human. She’s got out of the bed…and Gulp! She’s heading this way…I’ll be crushed under her feet…What am I gonna do??? But all of a sudden, as the human feet neared the bee, his face broke into a sinister grin………
I was lying flat on my bed after a day’s work of chatting, orkutting, and blog hopping…My 4.8kg lappy on my tummy, and my head rested against 2 pillows, I was trying to read myself to sleep. I was struck by the writers' block yet again, and hence had downloaded a dozen of arbit blogs, so that I could get inspired to write again!
The sweet ‘honey-heavy dew of slumber’ was slowly descending upon me…just enough to lull me into sleep. It’s not very often that I get to get good sleep. Sleep often comes as a reluctant visitor, after sessions of twisting and turning around in the bed. In that blissful slumberous state, when I was all too eager to give myself to Morpheus’ hand(dun misunderstand me...its just an expression, I recently learnt from The Hindu literary section) I slowly moved to turn off the light, and was returning to the beckoning bed when, OUCH! Oh my foot!Aaaaaaa...........
That was yet another of my numerous encounters with the poly-legged/winged freaks. In the subsequent days, two other XplorerBs followed suit and met with the same fate as their predecessor…Also my foot ended up having 3 hideous swellings…for the next couple of days….grr…DumBs!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

29. All for a guy?!!

I've been lying lazily in this same posture for the past 50 minutes watching amusedly the antics of my roomy. She has been in front of the mirror for the past 45 minutes or so…(please note that this is her second rendezvous with Mr. mirror today, having had a similar but a lengthier session earlier in the morning, when I was just taking my first few winks of the day). My other roomy having gone for some practice much earlier, i was left alone as this roomy's sole make-up-commentator(Sheesh! just my luck!!). Got tired replying to her never ending "How do I look?"(What can I say?),"Is this necklace too gaudy"(How do I know??),"Is this 3 inch long red stone studded ear-ring too much?"(did she really expect me to be honest with her???)"Does this hairstyle suit me or that?"(lol...who's she asking to? me eh? me who chops off my hair every now and then not knowing what to do with it!!)

Pfft!! thought that I was done with the viva session in the morning itself.But I was wrong ...
there comes another volley of questions...Oh no! not again! Why me??"Can you put the eyeliner
for me?"..Oh No!I'm getting outa here.....

"You will understand it when you get a guy"...Miss know-it-all+have-experienced-it-all starts off her 'how-to-be-a-good-gf-exhortation'!"Wait and see when you get a guy, and you go out with him, you will be doing the same thing"...

Ya right! I close my eyes; a faint smile plays somewhere around my lips... Ya right; you can say that again....

PS:to my roomy if u ever happen to read this...I chumma posted this here.. I was running out of topics for blog.. and couldn't help it watching you doing the same stuff for all 3 days...No harm/insult intended k?? Cheers! :D

Thursday, July 3, 2008

28. My encounters with poly-legged-freaks

Yeah! I am a born arachnophobic through and through or rather an ‘insectophobic’ would be more appropriate, because just any insect for that matter can spill the gut out of me!! Creepy, crawling poly-legged-hairy creatures, dreadful eyes and scary fang, writhing about…Eeek! Just enough to send a chill down through my spine and make my hair stand up and render me sleepless for nights….Eeeek!
A beautiful Sunday morning worship at church…Melodious songs fill the whole place...The church is not a typical church in the strict sense, it’s just a small hall, in a small nook of our ‘kattangal metropolis’ where 50-60 odd people gather every week for the service.
What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and pains to bear,
What a privilege to carry,
Everything to God in prayer......
The believers are having a wonderful time of worship session, and they are singing their hearts out to the Lord. In the second row of the right wing, stands me singing away to glory along with the rest of the flock. But unknown to everyone around, my mind has an inner private chit chat with God Almighty…
God reminds me of the innumerable things He’s done for me in the past few weeks, and lists them down…
God: This is another week that you’ve got in your life Neethu, are you gonna testify the blessings in your life today at least? Don’t you remember all those things that I’ve done for you? Don’t you know that the testimonies you give encourages your disheartened brothers just as how you have been uplifted a number of times by their testimonies?
Me: Uh..hmm…ya Lord...but, those were big things…things which you can clearly label as real miracles….
God: Wasn’t scoring 19/20 for that subject in which, you weren’t even sure to scrape through, a miracle? Wasn’t the retrieval of your lost precious Fast Track watch from a total stranger a miracle? Wasn’t the healing of the sickness, the day before your exam, a miracle enough? Wasn’t it a miracle when the centipede that bumped against your foot went away harmlessly?
Me: hmm..yeah…but they can have other logical explanations too…cant they?? I mean I’m not trying to belittle you…but will they be good enough for the people to increase their faith? Wouldn’t it be nice to tell them about something, where only divine intervention, be the only possible explanation? When I come across such a one in my life, I’ll surely testify your goodness, Lord![I thus try to shy away giving all sorts of lame excuses]
[shakes his head and sighs at my chickening out ]: Do you want to wait till that?............ 
Me: [just shrugs off and continues singing… ]
After a little while, I feel something brushing against my leg. Was it the wind? Dismissing it as just the play of mind, I continue singing…quite uneasily though –all sorts of weird possibilities were cropping up in my head. But soon, I could feel the distinct crawling up…up of definitely something. Could it be an ant? Eek! I get freaked out by ants as well! But when did ants become so big and heavy? And did it have more than 6 appendages? Now I could feel it going up through my leg, above my knees…the picture of a scurrying centipede flashed across my mind (only a few weeks before, a centi had come and ‘kissed’ my feet and(thankfully)went away harmlessly) …Heck no! it can’t be a centi! It shouldn’t be that!
Whatever it was, it had now reached my waist –I was struggling to keep myself calm. I have watched enough of animal planet and discovery channel, to be careful not to agitate the whatever-thingy inside my clothes. I just loosened my pant-belt so that it won’t have any obstruction, and thus find a reason to sting me. Now I could feel it go up my body, my back. It was now scaling my spine. Just out of curiosity(read fear), I felt it against my body, with my hand over my shirt! Eek! It was something really gigantic…omg! Somebody do something! God???
Then all of a sudden the commotion stopped. God! Where’s it now? I stood still, barely breathing…Now I could sense a big lump near my shoulders. Fighting back fear and panic, I just peeped inside my shirt over my shoulders…and what I saw makes me jump up in fright and disgust now, even though I didn’t, then! One of the most dreadful sights an ‘insectophobic’ like me could ever have –100s of twitching legs of a big-fat-fully-grown centipede, snuggling ‘cozily’ against my shoulders!!!
I didn’t know what to do…But surprisingly enough, I didn’t freak out or jump up and down or scream the sense out of the people around. In fact, I was still subconsciously singing the song along with the rest of them! But I couldn’t put on that façade of courage for long -I whispered to MaSaJo standing next to me, that an insect had got inside my clothes, could she help me get it out (I didn't want to freak her out by mentioning that it was a centi). We both moved out silently…the centi still comfortably(highly uncomfortable for me) perched on my shoulders….

MaSaJo assessed the situation and declared that I should take off my shirt, if the thing was still inside. I too felt that it was the only possible thing for me to do. We went to an adjacent room in the church building. As soon as MaSaJo shut the door of the room, I threw away my shirt, and THUD! MaSaJo jumped up and let out a silent scream, as the 10-15 cms long big-fat-ugly-poly-legged creature hit the floor with a thud! It then quickly slithered away to the darkness, underneath a cupboard…
We both stood speechless for a while…then praise just began to flow from our lips and hearts…I couldn’t thank God enough…That was the scariest moment of my life, and I came out of it unscathed. Well, I asked for it…sort of…I was waiting for a tangible-divine-intervention-involving-miracle…and it seemed as if dear God went to this extent to give me what I had asked for. That’s the inference that I made out of this small drama. Otherwise why in the world did that yucky centi chose to make an expedition up my body, when there were scores of other people around me?
The worship session was just getting over, when we got back, and it was the time for the testimonies. I didn’t need any coaxing or cajoling now to testify the goodness of my God. My gratitude and thankfulness overcame my shyness and fear-of-facing-the-crowd, and I just opened my heart and testified His faithfulness in front of the whole crowd:D…
Anything could have happened. It could have given me a real painful if not a fatal sting! Or its 101 sharp legs would have been enough to hurt me! Or even if it did nothing, out of sheer panic, I could have freaked out and hurt myself or disrupted the wonderful service. But God miraculously helped me keep a level head and maintain my calm...:D
Even now I shudder as I recollect the whole incident. But when I think of the fact that I’m in His hands, I can be at peace. :)
“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to
overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.’' John 2:22
PS1: Well that wasn’t the first or the last (though it was the scariest) of my encounters with the poly-legged-freaks… Sadly(read scaringly) it has a freaky past, and unfortunately(again scaringly) it’s having a freaky future as well…will be jotting them down in subsequent posts…
PS2: Entomophobia –that’s the term for fear of insects…but I guess each encounter with various poly-legged-freaks is making me less entomophobic by and by;)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

27. Boredom can unleash creativity!

Yup! That’s the truth that I discovered recently! All thanks to the 3 month long vacations, when for once, time really seems to stand still and seems to extend like the mighty oceans and when laziness prevents you from indulging in any physical activities, and when ‘academicophobia’ prevents you from doing anything related to acads, and when your grey cells so stubbornely refuse to churn out some good topics to blog…you really have no option but to get stuck with boredom!! Yeah! I too get BORED! And what do you do when you are bored? You have absolutely nothing to do that you find some means of evading the uninvited guest –Mr.Boredom…And that is when I was reminded of brushing up my long forgotten pass-time of sketching… I tried blowing off the dust from my not-been-in-use-for-quite-sometime aristic cells…and voila! A little coaxing from a friend and a few strokes from HB pencil did bring forth something! :D
Yeah! You might have guessed it right! I’m really outa topics to blog. sigh!..........

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

26. Let The Music Do The Talking

Devil tagged me again! This one’s all about muziq. I’m no muziq buff and couldn’t do this tag alone. Had to take help…
The tag doesn’t have a’s left for the bloggers.Let The Music Do The Talking is a song by Aerosmith(well I haven’t heard the song myself…google found this one for me…)
1. Which song is being played in your mind right now?
Heart of Worship by Matt Redman(ya, as they's hard to play any other song in mind when its currently being played in the Mp3. )

2. One song that describes your life... (No self made compositions please!)
Amazing grace……“But by grace, I am what I am” [1 Chor10:15]

3. The song you listen to most on your I-pod/ MP3/ cell/ PC/ etc
My favourites keep on changing from time to time…but invariably I have to hear the windows music each time I turn on/off the comp. Dun think I’ve heard any other music this number of times….( I know… that was a poor attempt…sigh!)

4. A song that describes best the following stages in your life
School days:
KK's Yaaron Dosti Badi Hi Haseen Hai....
- Love: Love by Petra based on 1 Corinthians 13….there’s no better way to describe it!
- Your mood right now: Linking Park’s Numb…the dull boring vacation is responsible for making me go NUMB!

5. Your all time favourite song and the reason for it... maybe some memory/ some funny story etc!!!
Ditto answer to ques no:3 …my favourites keep on changing….

6. A song you wish you hadn't heard!!! (More than one is always a pleasure!!!)
All..(well not all…almost all…) the heavy metals and death metals and other metal craps(milder versions being an exception) which threaten to pop my brain out of the head and eyeballs out of their sockets…
Death metals have disgusting lyrics too. Take a look at A Skull full of Maggots by Cannibal Corpse. Dont tell me i didnt warn you...the lyrics are repulsive...
Lying there cold after a torturous death
Your life ended fast you took your last breath
Dead in a grave, your final place
The maggots infest your disfigured face
Pus through your veins takes the place of blood
Decay sets in, bones begin to crack
Thrown six feet down left to rot
Brains oozing black down the side of your broken neck
Skull full of maggots
They enter your tomb - maggots - beginning to feast - maggots
Crawling on you - maggots - now they eat you - maggots
Rotting maggots - maggots - infesting your corpse - maggots
Parasites of the dead - maggots - now dwell in your head
Ew! Who comes up with such stuff?!

7. A song that would best describe... me
(Hey, I took pains to tag you, I guess I deserve this ;-) )

A rather difficult question to describe a rather difficult female…but the good old nursery rhyme is rather a special song for her….so here’s to you Lee---London bridge is falling down…

8. (I just couldn't miss this!!!) If, you were in an elevator with Himesh Reshammiya and Altaf Raja, you would...
(please please please... something funny!!!)

Er…who are they??( toldya I’m no good in dis muziq field :(

K. Now to tag people.
I tag Chronicwriter, MultiMenon, Viajero, Evil-blogger, Crazy, Paroo and all others who want to let muziq do the talking…

Saturday, June 14, 2008

24. Friends, bloggers, ATM users…

Yeah…so the above mentioned people…lend me your ears(ya am in shortage of ears…)for I have come to telya something important and not to just blah blah!
Last day I went to the ATM to withdraw some cash. There was a man who was already in the ATM counter collecting his cash, so I had to wait for him to get out. I hopped in as soon he got out and guess what I saw in the ATM monitor?
Do you want to continue? Enter YES or NO (a timer was doing count down)
My reflexes, being a little too sensitive, my fingers hit the YES option even before I realized what I was doing. The monitor blinked for a moment and there comes before me another screen:
Welcome Mr shivakumar.(oh! so dat's the guy's name eh?)
I was elated!
Enter your PIN:_ _ _ _
Uh oh! There comes the trouble…But once again my reflexes took the better of me..and once again, before I fingers punched in four numbers **** (my pass code to be precise).
Incorrect PIN. Try again…
Well this is what I expected to appear on the screen but guess what? Guess again! There comes on the screen the page showing,
My excitement knew no bounds…I could have jumped up with excitement. I hit an unknown guy’s unknown PIN correct -a probability of 1 in 9999.Woah!I coudn't wait to tell it to the whole world....
I punched the FAST CASH option and sure enough there comes the next screen with various options…
RS 1000
RS 2000
RS 3000
RS 5000
I got a little scared now! I couldn’t trust myself…so before my reflexes do its nasty play again, I pressed the cancel button and the transaction was cancelled. What would I have done if I had punched in some amount and the money came out?
So next time you use your ATM, make sure that your transaction is complete and you properly log out, cos not everyone will have a problem with using somebody else’s money…
Well…this is what I was planning to blog as soon as the incident took place last week. I was really thrilled by the whole thing and was wondering what could have happened if I had entered some amount, and got the cash…I couldn’t wait to get back home to tell my parents about it. I was infact puffing up with pride that I had acted honest, in a place where I could have treated myself to some bucks. Only later did someone explain to me while I was in the process of narrating to the ‘n’th person, my little 'episode at the ATM' that I was enlightened of the fact that SBI ATMs logs you in with whatever PIN you enter, and you could do all the above mentioned processes without any problem. Only at the last step when you really punch in some amount to withdraw cash, will the monitor show:
Incorrect PIN!try again!.
And that too, you will only have 3 chances of entering incorrect PIN after which the card gets locked automatically…Anyway thanks to the guy, I saved myself from a lot of embarrassment. But still…all you ATM users, please be careful henceforth ;)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

23. 123...

Tag again! But this one’s quite an interesting tag. It’s weird too. I got tagged for this post by Lee and Chrony at about the same time, when I had already made plans for stealing this tag from some arbit blog:D
The rules: Pick up the nearest book. Go to page 123. Find the fifth sentence. Post the next three sentences. Tag five people, and acknowledge the person who tagged you.

The book that I found nearest to me was my mother’s personal diary. No! I dare not touch that one…for one thing, the diary obviously doesn’t have its pages numbered, besides who knows what lies in the 5th sentence of the 123rd page. Should I dare browse through her diary? Naa….
So I went for the next book; found the 123rd page; and the 5th sentence goes on like:
That is why worldly pleasures cannot satisfy our deepest longings.
The next 3 sentences…
The cross says, “Don’t look to the material world for ultimate meaning and fulfilment.” The day before His crucifixion, Jesus warned, “Now is the time for judgement on this world”(John 12:31). Our worldliness was in Christ, and the Father judged it at the cross.
The book is Outrageous Mercy by WM.P.Farley.(Yea I still haven’t finished reading that book which I had started 3 blog-posts ago ;)
Now,the tagging part:
Crazy (glad to see you back after 1 whole year)
MechRani(do you know that she has a blog?)
(huh? All NITians??)
Now for the acknowledgements(what’s this for anyways??):
Lee: Blah…blah..blah…blah..blah
Chrony:Blah blah…blah blah…blah blah…
(I bet you guys’ll not get acknowledged like this ever, willya? You can thank me now!;)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

22. Anything can be an art!

Argh!!!Household chores! Remember how I hate them? Well if you don’t, then you gotta better go through my post on mopping the floor once again…
Anyways, then it was mopping the floor, but now it's folding clothes...argh!such dull, boring, mundane job!!!
But not anymore after I came across this video…it’s kinda intresting...goes to prove that anything can be an art!

(funny language they speak, dont they?)
Try it out for yourself! You’ll find it interesting too... at least for the first few times.By then you’ll have gladly helped your momma too. But make sure that you don’t end up ruining the cothes!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

21. And that’s how the graduated chick lost its life.

Ha! Sunday afternoons, after church, nothing to do till the 11th hour when we all scurry about here and there in a frantic attempt to do the long forgotten assignments, submissions, tutorials etc which never seem to go out of existence.
And this particular Sunday was no different. As usual we took our own time to finish our lunch, along with the round of the week’s chit-chattering and gossiping. Oh before I forget, this ‘we’ I’m referring to consists of the trio Maya Sarah John (henceforth to be called as MaSaJo), Angie Alice Abraham(AnAlAb) and Neethu Krishna(er…NeeKri?? :| )
MaSaJo: Blah..blah..blah
AnAlAb: blah..blah…
Neekri: Haven’t we finished? Shall we then make a move and go wash our hands?
AnAlAb: MaSaJo, is there some curry left in your plate?
MaSaJo: Oh yes, but you are not supposed to eat potatoes…
AnAlAb: I know that silly, I just want the curry. I swear, I won’t eat the potatoes. See the pile of potatoes on the side of my plate.
Pieces of potatoes, along with some curry, get transferred from MaSaJo’s and NeeKri’s plates to AnAlAb’s. The blah blah continues and AnAlAb’s hands always restless as they are, having finished feeding her, began to work on the left over potato pieces-smashing, pulping, kneading, pressing and rolling the pieces until finally it took the form of a snow ball (or technically speaking, a ‘potato ball’.)
Neekri: Hey this looks like a snow man. Give it 2 eyes also na?
After a brief search, 2 mustard seeds are extricated from the leftovers, and the curry-mixed, pitch-black eyes get implanted on the potato man.
MaSaJo: Ooo that looks like a tiny birdy now. Shall we give it a beak as well?
The leftovers prove to be an infinite source of body spare parts. A tiny tomato peel was perfect for the li’l red beak and there was our chick, created by 3 Michaelangelos-in-the-making.Voila!
(Aint it cute?? :D)
Neekri: I wanna do something with the pieces of banana peel as well. How about getting the chick graduated?
And soon enough the chick got graduated. :D
(Hope you can see the graduation hat on it’s head)
By now, we were attracting a hell lota unwanted attention from the neighboring tables. Ignoring all those have-these-gals-gone-outa-their-mind stares (after all a little publicity never hurts), we sat there admiring our artistic work for how long I’m not sure, but alas! all good things must come to an end…We had to bid goodbye to our chick(the mess was closing down). I was given the privilege of taking our li’l birdy to its final resting place(the kitchen sink!)
Reluctantly, I put the plate in the sink, but couldn’t take my eyes off our piece of artistic delicacy. As I was still ogling the chick in that smelly wash area, surrounded by dozens of stinking plates, there came a dudette having had her fill, emptied the leftover into the dust-bin, and as though finding no other place, kept her dumb plate right on top of my plate, smashing my poor chick :(
And that’s how the graduated chick lost its life…sniff…
PS: So as not to offend any sensitive blog-readers the pics of the smashed graduated chick after it met with the dreadful tragedy have not been included.