Tuesday, May 13, 2008

17. FranaB unplugged:I-Radio Mango

Just as I had promised, here’s updates to my ‘serious series writing’. FranaB’s unplugged again. There’s hardly any mallu who haven’t heard of Radio Mango 91.9, the most happening thing in the mallu radio world today. For those ignorant souls, here’s the link.Click! One fine morning in the month of November, the prankster minds of the boys of our batch suddenly started working, and who better to play their pranks on other than FranaB?? So here goes….

Click here to get the actual conversation!

Here's the conversation if you doesn't happen to know malayalam.....

Radio Mango: Hello good morning madam.
Frana James: Good morning .Who’s it?
RM: I’m calling from Radio Mango FM 91.9
FJ: ok…..
RM: I’m from a programme called DimDimDamaka, sponsored by Atlas jewellery
FJ: ok…
RM: You have been selected as this week’s lucky contestant.You will have an opportunity to win 20 gold coins from Atlas jewellery through this programme
FJ:[still continues here unsure ok….]
RM: Madam now I’ll connect to the RJ.
RM: Shall I connect to the radio jockey?
FJ: aa..
RM: Madam, I’ll give you the instructions-After connecting to the radio, you are supposed to talk only after they say a ‘Hi’
FJ: ok….
RM: Madam, you have just woken up from sleep?
FJ: yes…

RM: Madam, if you want to, you can go and freshen up and come.. I’ll hold on.
FJ: Who’s this? I didn’t get you.
RM: My name’s Ramesh. I’m from Radio…
FJ: Are you trying to fool me early in the morning?[Aha! The lady's got brains !]
RM: Er..umm..Madam, we’ve got your number from Airtel customers…This programme is sponsored by Airtel and Atlas
FJ: eh?
RM: you have been selected as this week’s lucky contestant.
FJ: huh?
RM: Madam, shall I connect you with the RJ?
FJ: You sound like someone…
[Aha!more brains…]
RM: Madam, shall I connect you with the RJ?
FJ: Ha..do it then…

(The guy holds the phone.Music played in the background….)

Radio Jockey: Hello, welcome back to Radio Mango 91.9 FM. Let’s see who’s the lucky contestant of today’s Atlas jewellery’s DhimDhimDhamaka! Hello….
FJ: Hello…
RJ: Helloo…
FJ: Hello…
RJ: who’s this?

FJ: (murmering to herself)
What should I say??
RJ: Hello, what’s your name?

FJ: Anu[More brains???]
RJ: Anu?
[The guy’s surprised whether he called the wrong number, but is quick in hiding it!]
FJ: aa…

RJ: K Anu what are you doing?
FJ: I’m studying
RJ: Studying? K where are you studying?
FJ: In college.
RJ: K in which college are you studying?
FJ: Err..I’m studying in one college.
RJ: ok..ok. So we’re going to the first question of Atlas jewellery’s DhimDhimDhamaka
FJ: aa..
RJ: So I’ll tell you the rules and regulations of this contest
FJ: aa..
RJ: We’ll be asking a question based on a song, and if you get it right, you will win 2 gold coins sponsored by Atlas jewellery [Gosh! doesnt the guy get tired of repeating the dumb name over and over again?...sorry no personal grudge against the jewellery!]
FJ: aa...

RJ: ok so we’ll go to the question?
FJ: aaa…[grr… she and her never ending aaaas..Is she,by any chance, practicing for the song ?? ]

(Music of one famous hit from the mallu film classmates played in the background)
RJ: Hello Anu?

FJ: Hello..
RJ: Hello…Which song starts off with this music?
FJ:(says very excitedly..her excitement so very clear in her voice) It’s the starting of the song from ‘classmates’
RJ: Which song?
FJ: Song????oh...’Kaatadithanalil…’
RJ: Anu..can you sing two lines?
FJ: But I don’t sing..
RJ: Please sing Anu…It’s a programme right?
(giggles and jeers from the background..Frana’s side)
FJ: hehe..kaattadi thanalil..,thanalathe mar
avil(she says steadily...refusing to sing)
RJ: er…can you sing two lines?

FJ: kaatadi thanalummmmm…[now she starts singing..but stops abruptly..thank God!Phew!!!]ok that’s it!
RJ: ok ok. Anu we’re going to the next question. Now you have won 2 gold coins sponsored by Atlas jewellery. Now you can decide for yourself whether you should go to the next level or not. If you are going to the next round, and fail to give the right answer, you will lose what you have won in the last round, else you will get 5 gold coins sponsored by Atlas jewellery.
FJ: No!No!.No need to go…[she aint that greedy eh?]
RJ: So you intend to stop with the 2 gold coins sponsored by Atlas jewellery?
[Oh no!not the Atlas again!!grr…]
FJ: ok

RJ: er..ok..er..fine..so now we’ll connect you to our executives. You can give your name and address to them. ok byebye..
Radio Mnago 91.9 FM, naatilengum paatayi.(some background noises)
RM: Hello

FJ: Hello

RM: Hello.Madam, your name please..
FJ: Er..Frana James
[So where did Anu go now??:P]
RM: Frana james

FJ: Nit calicut[Oh so her college’s got a name after al]
RM: Nit calicut
FJ:s4 electrical.
RM: s4 electrical
FJ: aa..
RM: ok madam we’ll give you a verification number
FJ: ok.
RM: 6782
RM: 6782
FJ: OK..
RM: this is your secret code. Do not tell it to anyone else. We’ll be contacting you again, to inform you further about the prize details.

FJ: ok
RM: ok thank you.
FJ: ok...
RM: have a nice day!!!

I can only imagine the roars of laughter and celebrations that ensued at the boys hostel after the phone call. Anyways…the ‘Radio Monkeys’ did keep their word…the very next day Anu..er..sorry Frana James got 2 gold coins(the chocolate version)and also a monkey from Radio mango 91.9FM..As can be guessed it didn’t take long for the whole campus to know about FranaB’s Radio Mango 91.9FM…. naatilengum paatayi…;)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

16. Belated happy B’day dear blog :D

Damn it! Blame it all on the darned end sems! I forgot my blog’s very first B’Day. Argh! The B(log)day happened to fall on the same day that my exams got over, which also happened to be the day I started my value education project which was to be due on the next day. In that hungama I didn’t even get time to think about my blog, let alone remember that it was it’s B’day :(

Hmm..looking back, it was Devil who persuaded me to start blogging. And guess what? Persuasion did succeed and my Blah Blah Blah was conceived and took birth almost at the same time. Being the lazy blogger that I am, I have blogged now and then, about this and that…

I looked back to the early days when I joined college and was reminded about God’s wonderful provision. I reflected that “He has made everything beautiful in its time”.
During my 2nd sem, I got a chance to fly to Dubai. But what awaited me there made me wonder whether the movie The Terminal was being re-enacted right before me and that I had somehow  donned the role of Tom Hanks!!

The lovers’ month however subtle and romantic it maybe for lovers, to crazy and me, it turned out to be A Valentine's Day Commedy of errors.......I grew up and I learned to take Nite-outs!!!Yay! I’m a big college girl now 8)

Then came a period of lul in which no matter how much I tried, I just couldn’t write!! As I investigated further into the matter, I found out that my muse had run away and I wasn’t able to blog anymore until one fine day when finally, my Muse decided to Return!

The Gud ol’PC classes came back to my mind, and I realized how much I missed them(don’t fail to notice the irony intended ;)...Then I thought of sharing with you, some tips On mopping the floor-out of first hand experience from yours truly ;)

Though I had come a long way in life, I still hadn't learned a certain few things…
The Game continued, and I got tagged for the first time, which I took out of sheer joblessness…Then came a period of life in which I began to wonder ‘Am I invisible or what’???

I jotted down some Musings on the new-year eve, to bid adieu to the year that was ebbing away. Days flew by and I grew more mature; I understood that it’s important to Learn to say 'NO'....to many things in life.

The FranaB Series, became the first of my serious series writing (Still haven’t updated it though :P)I couldn’t help writing about Ragam '08, which gave us a break from the hectic, mundane and not to mention boring academics.

I started thinking about the opposite sex, and noted down certain of my observations as to what a girl can do, All for a guy?!!..for which my comment box puffed up to a whooping 36(and still counting)..All thanks to my darling roomy, who’s still oblivious of the existence of such a post describing her antics…

I wanted to spruce up my blog’s appearance and I managed to put some widgets-the clock being the very first one. I made sure that each post of mine has a related picture in it. Google Image search has never let me down thus far. The photos on the left hand side of the blog are those taken by yours truly with her trusted k750i:) My fella bloggers and my blog readers and my commentators just keeps on increasing day by day!! Boy am I so glad to know that :D

Guess what’s gone by was a pretty small, but eventful year for my blog! Wishing my blog many happy years to come…:)

PS to Devil:your post wasnt copy-righted right?:P

Thursday, May 1, 2008

15. My blog's elementary school level :|

A short while ago,I happened to come across this blog-readability site.It apparently shows what level of education is needed to read ones blog. And it turned out that my blah blahs doesn’t need much education to be read…well am not sure whether I’m supposed to be happy or sad about this…Anyways nice to know that mine is a cosmopolitan blog –free from local, provincial, or national ideas, prejudices, or attachments; at home all over the world...blah..blah..(yea I visited dictionary.com ;) ) In short my bloggy seems to cater to all people, without making any discrimination between people based on their educational level.gee!…:D

blog readability test

Guess you too can try this out…I’ve come across blogs which are classified as junior high school level ,graduation level and even brainy level…Sheesh! What can I say??selfish people!:P

Thursday, March 27, 2008

14. My muse...My canvas...Ragam '08

Ah! it's that time of the year again...the much awaited 4 day carnival of fun and festivity(hopefully) has eventually arrived.Ragam '08 kicked off with great pomp and show at 18:00 hrs today(well I guess so...cos I wasn't able to attend the inaugration ceremony). The chief guest, Mr Sreeram(a famous film actor and social worker) enthralled the audience with his captivating talk. At first, I had a hard time figuring out who the guy was...The name never rang a bell...So half of my evening was spent in triyng to identify this 'mysterious' celebrity.But the goodnews is...I did eventualy find out who the guy is:D(wanted to give a link to his phtoto here for the benefit all those fella ignorant souls like me ...but google prooved to be quite un-co-operative...sigh!)

Still in my room, I was buzy cleaning up my messy place.(Yeah! my old friends would be landing here tomorrow...a reunion after around 2 long years. Wow!looking forward to tomorrow...a few hours more...)Yeah! my room is clean once again after a loooong time...Thanks to Ragam '08.

Raghu Dixit and his band's performance had the audience dancing and swaying to their tunes(well I hadn't ever heard of them either)...Though initillay, the programme was delayed due to various technicalities, the performance turned out to be a hit!!But unfortunately again, somethings came up and  I missed out their performance too :(

Hmm...the next four days are gonna present another treasure trove of memories to cherish for a life time. Nooo...I don't want it to end though...Life's gonna be tough after this weekend,with end sems and assignment submissions and other such torture-inducers approaching --reality will strike again soon :|

So... am gona have a blast this Ragam '08..Njoying!!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

13. The FranaB Series

Variety, they say, is the spice of life. When God created man on earth, he made each of them different-unique in their own way...But the 21st century witnessed a creation that can be classified as THE MOST eccentric, THE MOST nutty, THE MOST erratic, THE MOST..... er… ran out of words...hang on lemme get the thesaurus......yep gotcha....THE MOST queer, THE MOST outlandish, THE MOST enigmatic of all the contemporary creations. This unique specie's present whereabouts have reportedly been located in a far far away land in a corner of the great indian sub-contontinent in an instituion near 'kattangal metropolitan' named NIT...
Well if you are now thinking that I'm talking about myself, then you are wrong...why would I be bitching about myself?? Ok, now that doesn’t imply that I'm bitching about this female under discussion either. So without much ado, let me introduce to you all Ms Frana aka FranaB..
Name: Frana James Pampackal

FranaB, as she is more popularly known,(the B supposedly stands for 'buji'…However, it has also been alleged that the B also stands for a particular person in our own NITC itself(hmmm?)..Whatever the truth maybe…Ah who cares what the truth is…So where was I???Yeah so as her name clearly says, she is one heck of a buji, but a weird one mind you…Her passions are many -needles to say WEIRD too- ranging from sleeping, bunking classes, scoring high GPAs, making long duration STD calls, dancing with teddy bears, killing people with unending sessions about black holes and the origin of the universe blah blahs….Poor female has the unique ability of becoming the victim to people's pranks, each one in itself will make a separate blog post which I will be describing in detail in my subsequent posts. The Bang on the head, The april fool's day incident, and the much famed Radio Mango being just the tip of the huge iceberg that the exploits of FranaB is…

A character more difficult to understand , you wouldn’t find. She is this nutto who scored an S in dynamics(the course notorious for awarding scores of students with back paper), in which majority of the lot,including yours truly barely managed to scrape through, at the same time she nearly got a back in ED due to attendance shortage…Aint the dudette weird??
Wait..is this becoming more like one of those testimonilas from orkut?If so, well, I dun care… :P

Okay, guess its time to wind up. Cya around later for more updates on the Frana unplugged series..(that is if yours truly doesn’t get murdered by the subject under discussion…she can turn violent at times…(gulp!))

PS:special thanks to Anu for the caricature... ;)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

12. Learn to say 'NO'....

He asked her for her id;
...She didn't say 'NO'.
He asked her for her number;
...She couldn't say 'NO'.
Then he asked for her picture;
She didn't know why, but she couldn't say 'NO'.

He asked her for her company;
...She couldn't say 'NO'.
For her time, her privacy;
Still she couldn't bring out a 'NO'.

Ah yes! Finally he asked that too-
He asked her for her heart;
...She never said 'NO'!

A hug, a kiss...she searched for words,
But 'NO' seemed to be
a non-existant word in her dictionary?!!

Yes, It's easier to say "I will",
Than to say "I will not"!
'Tis very easy to say 'YES!'
But it takes a lot from you to say 'NO!'
Know that 'NO' can do more good to you
at times, than'YES' can...


Studying in a college, away from home, have made me come face to face with many a realities of life. RELATIONSHIPS....each moment one is built up at the same time another breaks up. Little do we realize how immature we are at this stage to blindly follow  our hearts and feelings. And once  you plunge into the swamp, it is a pretty uphill work if u decide to surface again....
This poem(as i may call it)is for all those who, is likely to venture into this new world of fantasy!!Hope it helps!!

Monday, December 31, 2007

11. Musings on the newyear eve....

OMG!!..it's 00:21am....the first hour of the last day of the last week of the last month of 2007...just a few more hours to go...for another year to fade away...Now as I sit here on my bed, with my lappy, contemplating on the previous one year...I realise.... I havent blogged at all this month ...gotta cook up something fast...

What better way to end an year, than to venture to do something I havent ever done before! So here I am, making an attempt to do on-the-spot-blogging.Ya I know it doesnt sound all that great, but for the lazy-bum that I am....it IS a BIG thing...especially considering the enormous amount of effort I normally put in to create a single post! The monotonous laborious work of drafing a hard copy manuscript in my diary; editing it; making a soft copy in MSword; editiing it; re-editiing it; re-re-editing it...and finally, after many painstaking hours or days or sometimes even weeks....a post finally gets churned out...phew!!

Hmmm...so what should I write about??hmmm??aaa...my eyes wander around the room aimlessly....until it rests on my lil 'notice board'.There, on a corner, lies the 'LOST' post-it-note where I have jotted down the things I have lost over the past 1 semester. Well... these are the things that I've lost over the past 4 months....okay..only the ones that i remeber have been laid down here...

1.A gold earing(this particular earring kept on falling off my ears many a times and I kept on finding it back, until one day, finally it decided to ditch me forever...later I came to find out that the 'chechi' who sweeps the hostel had found my earring on the ground but thinking that it might be an imitation one,(due to the patches of white gold on it)....she dumped it in the waste bin:(...my poor earring is now reportedly resting in the dump pit of the NIT ladies' hostel….sigh :(

2.A small gold star of my gold bracelet(well i hadnt noticed its loss for quite some days...when finally when I noticed, I realized it too might have found its resting place like my earring, and i never bothered to search for it...)

3.A 5-movie containing dvd(infact it was presented to me by a friend:(...shhh dont tell him that its lost...hope he doesnt read this...:P)

4.A brand new t-shirt(have no clue as to where it disappeard!)

5.My lovely party-wear skirt...(ok..this one was not lost by me...but by a crazy who borrowed it to wear...hmpf!!she still hasnt replaced it...hope she reads this...:D )

6.Hmmm...oh yeah! and I've lost one password too...the one to my internet banking account...(Not a very good thing to lose, I must advise...Gosh! the hell lot of trouble it created to me on the day of my registration day!!)

7.'v' pens, 'w' pencils, 'x' erazers, 'y' sharpeners, 'z' rulers...(where v,w,x,y,z are arbitrary constants, whose value I've lost count of...)

....the list doesnt end there...but voila...another blog is ready... time to log off...cya!

Happy 2008!!!
(Hope I'll tend to lose less things this year!!!keeping fingers crossed ;))