Showing posts with label tagged. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tagged. Show all posts

Saturday, December 20, 2008

34. When pictures speak

Devil decided to bug me again, and tagged me. An 'Angel' in disguise I should say, for that brought me here, back to blogging after a looong gap.

* For the 20 questions that have been asked, write down your honest answer (in a few words).
* Type your answers, one by one, on an exactly-as-written-on-paper basis, in the search bar of any image search engine that you prefer (Flickr / Google Image Search etc.).
* You MUST MAY use the same search engine for all 20 answers.
* For every answer, only from the FIRST page of the search result, save exactly ONE image.
* Once you have a list of 20 images, each corresponding to one answer, compose a post in line with this post that you are reading right now.

I tag: Hari, Crazy, Lx, Multiboy, Chrony

1. My age:

twen'teen' (yea...i still refuse to be an adult)

2. I am passionate about:

The Living Word!

3. My favorite place:
ma room(Ah!...)

4. I have a thing for:
dairy milk

5. My comfort zone:(read relief zone)
(Need i mention?)

6. My favorite animal:

7. My kind of art:


8. The town where I was brought up:


9. The town where I live:

10. A past pet:
love birds(RIP...sniff!)

11. A past love:
sigh(Dont remind me...)

12. Current love:
Shhh!(Ha! you thought i was gonna say?:P)

13. Best friend's nickname:
The Devil(Do I have an option?:P)

14. I want:
More(Am I being greedy?)

15. Screen name:

16. A bad habit:

17. A dream:
Landing on Moon(Will it ever become a reality?)

18. First job:
Structural(I think....)

19. I miss:
School Days(I never thought I ever will...seriously)

20. What am I doing right now:

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

26. Let The Music Do The Talking

Devil tagged me again! This one’s all about muziq. I’m no muziq buff and couldn’t do this tag alone. Had to take help…
The tag doesn’t have a’s left for the bloggers.Let The Music Do The Talking is a song by Aerosmith(well I haven’t heard the song myself…google found this one for me…)
1. Which song is being played in your mind right now?
Heart of Worship by Matt Redman(ya, as they's hard to play any other song in mind when its currently being played in the Mp3. )

2. One song that describes your life... (No self made compositions please!)
Amazing grace……“But by grace, I am what I am” [1 Chor10:15]

3. The song you listen to most on your I-pod/ MP3/ cell/ PC/ etc
My favourites keep on changing from time to time…but invariably I have to hear the windows music each time I turn on/off the comp. Dun think I’ve heard any other music this number of times….( I know… that was a poor attempt…sigh!)

4. A song that describes best the following stages in your life
School days:
KK's Yaaron Dosti Badi Hi Haseen Hai....
- Love: Love by Petra based on 1 Corinthians 13….there’s no better way to describe it!
- Your mood right now: Linking Park’s Numb…the dull boring vacation is responsible for making me go NUMB!

5. Your all time favourite song and the reason for it... maybe some memory/ some funny story etc!!!
Ditto answer to ques no:3 …my favourites keep on changing….

6. A song you wish you hadn't heard!!! (More than one is always a pleasure!!!)
All..(well not all…almost all…) the heavy metals and death metals and other metal craps(milder versions being an exception) which threaten to pop my brain out of the head and eyeballs out of their sockets…
Death metals have disgusting lyrics too. Take a look at A Skull full of Maggots by Cannibal Corpse. Dont tell me i didnt warn you...the lyrics are repulsive...
Lying there cold after a torturous death
Your life ended fast you took your last breath
Dead in a grave, your final place
The maggots infest your disfigured face
Pus through your veins takes the place of blood
Decay sets in, bones begin to crack
Thrown six feet down left to rot
Brains oozing black down the side of your broken neck
Skull full of maggots
They enter your tomb - maggots - beginning to feast - maggots
Crawling on you - maggots - now they eat you - maggots
Rotting maggots - maggots - infesting your corpse - maggots
Parasites of the dead - maggots - now dwell in your head
Ew! Who comes up with such stuff?!

7. A song that would best describe... me
(Hey, I took pains to tag you, I guess I deserve this ;-) )

A rather difficult question to describe a rather difficult female…but the good old nursery rhyme is rather a special song for her….so here’s to you Lee---London bridge is falling down…

8. (I just couldn't miss this!!!) If, you were in an elevator with Himesh Reshammiya and Altaf Raja, you would...
(please please please... something funny!!!)

Er…who are they??( toldya I’m no good in dis muziq field :(

K. Now to tag people.
I tag Chronicwriter, MultiMenon, Viajero, Evil-blogger, Crazy, Paroo and all others who want to let muziq do the talking…

Thursday, June 12, 2008

23. 123...

Tag again! But this one’s quite an interesting tag. It’s weird too. I got tagged for this post by Lee and Chrony at about the same time, when I had already made plans for stealing this tag from some arbit blog:D
The rules: Pick up the nearest book. Go to page 123. Find the fifth sentence. Post the next three sentences. Tag five people, and acknowledge the person who tagged you.

The book that I found nearest to me was my mother’s personal diary. No! I dare not touch that one…for one thing, the diary obviously doesn’t have its pages numbered, besides who knows what lies in the 5th sentence of the 123rd page. Should I dare browse through her diary? Naa….
So I went for the next book; found the 123rd page; and the 5th sentence goes on like:
That is why worldly pleasures cannot satisfy our deepest longings.
The next 3 sentences…
The cross says, “Don’t look to the material world for ultimate meaning and fulfilment.” The day before His crucifixion, Jesus warned, “Now is the time for judgement on this world”(John 12:31). Our worldliness was in Christ, and the Father judged it at the cross.
The book is Outrageous Mercy by WM.P.Farley.(Yea I still haven’t finished reading that book which I had started 3 blog-posts ago ;)
Now,the tagging part:
Crazy (glad to see you back after 1 whole year)
MechRani(do you know that she has a blog?)
(huh? All NITians??)
Now for the acknowledgements(what’s this for anyways??):
Lee: Blah…blah..blah…blah..blah
Chrony:Blah blah…blah blah…blah blah…
(I bet you guys’ll not get acknowledged like this ever, willya? You can thank me now!;)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

19. Tag to the rescue!

Tags come to my rescue again!(hadn’t blogged for a while).Took the tag from chrconicwriter(you happy now?).Here’s the 30Q tag.

1. Last movie you saw in a theater?
A. Guess it was HP-5(regretted later for having watched it though…) I prefer my lappy and DVDs compared to the cinema ;)
2. What book are you reading?
A. The monk who sold his Ferarri, Outrageous Mercy, Ruskin Bond’s Book Of Humor (yea I start off with a lot of books at a time…a few lucky ones get their last page meet my eyes ;)

3. Favourite board game?
A. Spell Bound.

4. Favourite magazine/s?
A. RD, True friend, Educare.

5. Favourite smells?
A. Smell of the soil after the first's lovely

6. Favourite sounds?
A. My phone ringing. Love it when people call me up

7. Worst feeling in the world?
A. Getting up in the morning thinking that it is a weekend when it is actually a weekday, and realising that there’s class at 8’o clock, and that I’m already short of attendance!Sheesh! I HATE 8'o clock classes

8. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
A. Do I have to wake up now ?

9. Favourite fast food place?
A. There no place where I eat food as fast as I do at the hostel mess during breakfast…all thanks to the 8’o clock classes :x but yea the BF is good almost all the time..

10. Future child’s name?
A. ?!!

11. Finish this statement. “If I had lot of money I’d….?”
A. Spend it. Duh !

12. Do you drive fast?
A. Naa…vehicles are anyway prohibited inside college campus. Else the 8’o clock classes would have compelled me to drive fast daily!

13. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
A. Would love to…but no one would buy one for me :(

14. Storms - cool or scary?
A. Depends

15. What was your first car?
A. So far have driven Maruhti 800, Fiat, Alto, Ikon, Baleno..none of them were my own though…yet to get a job and buy one :)

16. Favourite drink?
A. Milo!(they always give free gifts :D)

17. Finish this statement, “If I had the time I would….”?
A. Again… spend it! Like Duh!

18. Do you eat the stems on broccoli?
A. Haven’t ever eaten any of its parts.

19. If you could dye your hair any colour, what would be your choice?
A. Pitch black

20. Name all the different cities/towns you’ve lived in?
A. Trivandrum - Calicut - Trivandrum - Calicut - Trivandrum - Calicut –(will be the same for next 2 years :|)

21. Favourite sports to watch?
A. Cricket World cup finals( if India’s playing), football world cup finals(doesn’t matter which country is playing), tennis (if its Federer vs Nadal)

22. One nice thing about the person who sent this to you?
A. He said i am a sweetheart :P
23. What’s under your bed?
A. Weighing machine. Every morning I get up and stand on it hoping that the needle would at least budge towards the right
24. Would you like to be born as yourself again?
A. Hmm…yup! But there’s always scope for improvement ;)

25. Morning person, or night owl?
A. Night person. Am not an owl! Hmpf!
26. Over easy, or sunny side up?
A. Huh?
27. Favourite place to relax?
A. Classroom last bench...preferably with some boring lectures.

28. Favourite pie?
A. 3.1428571428571428571428571428571 :P
29. Favourite ice cream flavour?
A. Butterscotch .

30. Of all the people you tagged this to, who’s most likely to respond first?
A. Whoever first runs out of topics to blog.
I'll tag Lee, MultiMenon, Viajero, Evil-blogger(how evil can you get this time?),Paroo, Crazy (in the hope that you’ll someday remember your long forgotten blog)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

9. The Game continues.....

This is total crap. DUMB I’ll say. To be frank, I wouldn’t have ventured to write this post if not for obvious reasons. Well…no prizes for guessing the reasons…Ya, I have yet again been affected by the looso-musia-syndrome. Dearth of topics to write about, coupled with the constant nagging of fella-bloggers who had tagged me eons ago compelled me to commit this act. And of course, a little publicity will never hurt.…so here I am, having finally joined the... er…what was it??...ya the “8RF” club. I’ve been Tagged by the devil and the game continues(grumble)...

Here are the rules:
1.Players start with 8 random facts about themselves.
2.Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts.
3.Players should tag 8 other people and notify them they have been tagged.

So here goes the Eight random facts about myself:

#1. I’m one li’l lazy bump. My laziness knows no bounds. It can take any form ranging from waiting at length for someone to pass by to take that li’l notebook from my cupboard to postponing this post by nearly 2 months….
But I simply love bugging people(read my testimonials ppl…). I bug people irrespective of their caste, creed, colour, sex, sect, age etc…etc…etc.

#2. The less tastier the food supplied to me is, the more I tend to eat. Believe it or not, I gained 5kilos by the end of my first year at college, surviving only on the mess food(yuk!..).Weird…Ain’t I?

#3. I’m a Hindi-challenged person. No matter how hard I try, Hindi and I never get along(sniff…sniff…) during the past one year I have witnessed many a northy friends of mine fleeing the scene when I start jabbering in ‘hindi’ :(

#4. I’m basically a night-bird. My grey cells seem to get activated only after the stroke of 12, which is why many of my blogs are posted after midnight.

#5. I’m not afraid of darkness; nor of heights, roller coaster rides; of ghosts, zombies, demons, draculas, haunted stuffs, horror films/books etc…but a tiny li’l spidy can scare me off my wits!Ya, i'm a lil arachnophobic....

#6. I hate dressing up. I find it a great burden when I am supposed to get dressed up for a wedding or a birthday party. I’m most comfortable in my bro’s shabby old T-shirts and shorts.

#7. Till 9th standard I hadn’t read much, other than Tinkle, Archies, Balarama, Balabhumi etc.(Of course, I’m not talking about text books). But now, having discovered the wonderful world of words, I cant live without books.(Of course again, I’m not talking about text books..i can do very well without ‘em).

#8. As a child, I have always wanted to be an astronaut –conquering the space; being another Kalpana Chawla; when even the sky cannot be the limit…Aaah!!.. But here I am, now stranded in the Civil-dept, not knowing where to step next…Somebody help me!!!

Phew! now that it is done with...lemme go bug 8 other people...

Crazy-one crazy gal who writes so damn well if she wants to....and she's got this collection of yet unpublished poems.
Kim-Hmm...a blogger in the making; had a nice time helping him out with his blog.he's got a lotf weird topics to discuss about..
Garfy-he writes kindf philosophical stuffs..but worth reading though
Nematho-She's got a damn good blog
APJ-he's disappeared after putting up one post...but a damn gud photographer he is..
Tito- ever heard of "mlogging"?just hav a look at his b(m)log...this is one of the few b(m)loggers i ve met who m(b)logs with such a high frequency.
PP-hmm...funny guy,writes well-actually i duno him all that well.
Hipo-Well..she hasnt started blogging yet..but comon...i hav to get 8 ppl..

Tag on ppl.....