Showing posts with label stranded. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stranded. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

2. THE TERMINAL—Re-enacted???

The day finally set in ……….however the excitement didn’t. It was just another day…..woke up late, had a bite of aalu parota, and ran to the class-not at lightning speed though…..cos the first hour was tronics. The rest of the day continued just like that…ok …hmmmm…resh n reenz were all very excited….they were kind of distracted in the class (in fact they were literally counting down each of the 60 minutes of the last period-PP’s maths class). Surprisingly enough, I was able to pay attention. Then had a boring civil meeting in the afternoon(yawn….)

Afternoon came… slowly I started packing..Actually there wasn’t much to pack because of the 'limited luggage to be taken’ rule. Packed ’em all in jus one small bag. Mom came…I was a bit late …got good therees from mom and dad for that. Picked up vikru(bro) from his hostel and off we went to the airport. Reached airport at around 8:00pm local time. After checking the luggage we went to the restaurant to have dinner. By then it was time for departure. We boarded the flight at 10:00pm local time.

(Comments about the airport---cant even guess in which century the poor airport took its dilapidated birth. The airport was simply pathetic!! Tell you what…..its really sad that such public places which is frequently visited by the outsiders are maintained in such dilapidated condition. Imagine the first glimpse that a foreigner gets of the ‘Gods own country’!!! )

The plane was ok …not bad. I got the side seat….actually I took mom’s side seat. Took off sharp, at the right time-10:20pm local time. The view outside was beautiful. It looked like small sparkling stars embedded on the ground. But the land was in view only for a few minutes…..then came hours of total blackness.. Listened to some music, watched half of some lame Mallu film, had dumb refreshments…by the way the plane was air India express-343.
The land of the arabs!!!!! …… the sight was breathtaking… was simply A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. What stark difference from our land!!! The land appeared to be an assortment of precious jewels decked with priceless gems!!!

Finally..we were in the land of the arabs…..the airport was GOOD!! hmmmmmmmmm…… another stark difference from our country. We had to undergo an eye print test(dunno for what though).These people…..what do they think of themselves…whenever they see Indians they start speaking broken hindi…..but their hindi is far better than their English..pakshe avarkum vivaram unde ketto…this particular man spoke to dad, mom ,bro n GK uncle in hindi….to me alone they spoke in english……God!even the arabs know how pathetic my hindi is!!!Meanwhile a young arab at one of the checking counters ‘sugar-beat’ed with me…..he wanted to know where I’m from…India…..where in India……Kerala…….where in kerala……TVM…...where in TVM… foot! Why in the world did he want to know all these???

Then we had to undergo some passport checking thingy. All of us were successfully checked out…..all expect me …….of all the people in the world, but me…. waaaaaah… Those crazy arabs said some gibberish in hindi and asked me to go to some immigration office…me ALONE. Then came those ‘idivettu words from his mouth……’.. “Meena…. your visa is cancelled”WHAT????CANCELLED??? ….Ok….fine…so…what am I supposed to do about it????? It was 1:15am local time.

Dad came to the rescue…but actually there was nothing he could do .Next 7 hrs were.hmmmm…….what can I say….it was a one of a kind experience…imagine 7 hrs stranded in an airport in a totally alien land. Vikru and GK uncle were sent to Ashok uncle’s place. Dad and mom stayed back. At first we thought it would soon be resolved easily. These arab people….they are too rude….’Hoooooooow…Ruuuude’ They never offered any help. ..nor help us find a solution…nor offer us a comforting word. They were on the stand that my visa was cancelled and so I have to apply for a new visa at 8:00 am local time. Whose faulty was it anyway?? Dad(short tempered as he is)..his temper rising…. began to argue with the people. Finally they agreed that if they could get the passport of my sponsor they would let me go. So we now have to call my sponsor after finding out who the heck he is; make him come all the way from wherever he was and on top of that persuade him to keep his passport at stake for me…..HOW DUMB!!by this time they made my parents submit their passport too if they wanted to remain with me. So now we were in a totally alien land…with no visa ,no passport….no nothing.!!!

Oh oo!… battery low!!!battery low!!! The lappy needs to be shut down immediately.Oh no!…my only source of entertainment ..that too gone?? am feeling hungry too.... my stomach has been empty for the past 4-5 hrs(groan..grumble) source of food is in sight either…. waaaaah…. Now what am I gonna do the next 4 hours????

LAPPY DYING ^v^v^^v---------------^v^v---------^v-------------^----------------
LAPPY DEAD___________________________________________