Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

67. Short-‘lived’ relationships

I have got into many relationships…have had quite a number of people in my life! But unfortunately (or fortunately??) they don’t last long –they come…but as soon as I start getting to know them, they leave and disappear…Life’s so not fair!!!

The latest one came to my life quite unexpectedly…

It all happened last Sunday, when I was buying flowers at the florist’s after church…(I love red roses!) I was haggling over the price with the florist lady. That’s when I noticed ‘him’ –medium built, strong firm arms, long slender legs…..He was sitting there alone…But it was the bluish-green colour that appealed me the most! It was love at first sight...I knew he was the one for me (but so have I thought with the rest of ‘em too..sigh!!)

But I wanted him sooo badly…I was determined to take him to my home…

Suddenly, I stopped my row with the florist over the price, ditched my red rose, and quickly picked the pink one on which he was perching, eagerly awaiting for me. He’s all mine now!! :D
A rose and a bug...hmm….not a bad buy for 7 bucks!

Christened him Chow Chow (well that was the weird looking vegetable that we cooked for lunch that day) But I liked to call him Chitti…that was his pet name.

Speaking of Chitti, my mind now drifts to yet another relationship I had…back in college days…That too was a short-lived one.(though much longer than this one)…There were four of them –cute tiny fishes –Chanku, Manku, Chinky, Minky. Everything was going fine…just perfect… until the day when I noticed the water in the make-shift cookie-box aquarium, turned murky all of a sudden. The fishes were behaving a little strange –lethargic and sluggish. I became a little suspicious. I was wondering what to do, when a friend suggested changing water. But I wasn’t convinced. What if??....I googled(what would I have done without Larry and Sergey?)…and my suspicion was confirmed! My joy knew no bounds! Yes... it’s breeding time!yaay!! Am gonna have fishes are gonna have kids!! I dared not touch the water lest I should disturb the eggs. That night my dreams were filled with little fishes playing about in my room and I was one of them…
Next morning I woke up to find all 4 of my fishes DEAD. Dead like dead fishes!!!... Now I know what I would have done if not for Larry and Sergey –I would have changed the water and my Chanku-Manku-Chinky-Minky would have been alive nowK
Back to the present...

We had a nice time together –Chitti and me. He was crawling and groping all over my body. We were playing ‘hide and seek’ and ‘police and robber’ –he kept running away and hiding here and there. So, like a good mate, I played along and kept running after him and brought him back. I let it use my rose as a make-shift house. But once it darted straight out of the kitchen window. It was with great difficulty that I found him outside on the cloth-line…

My roommate suggested that I should keep him in a plastic cover for sometime while we cook. This time I thought of heading my friend’s words. So I kept it in a plastic bag and gave him rose leaf, coriander leaves, curry leaves and some water for lunch…
Lunch was yummy. I meant mine…(cos roommate cooked). I bet Chitti had a feast too. After that I let Chitti enjoy his afternoon siesta while I got engrossed in the Sunday evening mallu movie(some weird ghost story where an aborted ‘kid’ comes to haunt her parents)…

After the movie and a hot-water bath, I decided to make Chitti a comfy home. I emptied my ‘jewel’ box and furnished it with a water-pool, plenty of green leaves and some rice…
It was time for Chitti boy to move in to his new house. I placed Chitti onto the leaf bed. I knew he was thrilled by the awesome new sanctuary I made for him. I knew he was waiting to explore the whole area. He took a few hesitant unsteady steps…and then suddenly, without any warning, he flipped onto his back, his legs crumbling up together -It was DEAD. Dead like a dead bug!!!
I don’t know whether he was overwhelmed by the awesomeness of the new house I prepared for him, or it was the desperation of missing me for 4 hrs(the commercials in between the movies take up more time than the movie itself!!)

I will miss him dearly…Hope he will rest in peace and not come and haunt me… (Sheesh! I should stop watching these scary movies K)…

Dedicating this post to my latest true-love.RIP. Love you forever... 

Friday, June 25, 2010

62. The purse

Last year she refused to let me borrow the purse because it was gifted to her by him......
..... today she gave me the purse, insisting that I keep it for myself because it was a gift from him.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

46. The thread of love

In this era when sibling rivalry is a more heard of term than sibling love, it’s good to take one day off to reflect on how our siblings influence our lives, how much they are a part of our lives, and how much love they deserve from us.
It’s funny that our siblings are the only ones whom we can hate as much as we love them. It’s amazing, how the first rival of our childhood, over the years, transforms into the one we love, admire and adore. Differences, how many there may be, our siblings are made of the same stuff as we are, and has been at our side, (whether figuratively or literally)from the beginning.
One needn’t necessarily be a blood relation to be your brother or sister. There are so many wonderful brothers and sisters out there, who make life so marvelous for us.
Today, is that special occasion to celebrate this wonderful relationship –by tying the holy thread which ‘pulsates with sisterly love and sublime sentiments’. And indeed I'm elated to, have ‘tied the knot’ today.