Showing posts with label final year syndrome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label final year syndrome. Show all posts

Saturday, January 16, 2010

58. Being Inspired...

Do one thing everyday that scares you!

That is one of the lines from the video clip that Ziddi gave me when I was in one of those depressions and lows which usually cause heavy downpours.(It's apparently a sunscreen Ad, but I have no clue as to how it is related to the product!) Well anyways, guess what? I got inspired!

Maybe way too 'inspired'....Exams are among the things that scare me. I bet I am not the sole person belonging to this category. During the exam times, I take special care, to be extra careful as to not to waste my 'precious' time, indulging in any kind of fun. So exams are those times during which, I confine myself to self-room-imprisonment -No outings, No gossiping, No 'TV'ing, No blogging/orkutting/facebooking/tweeting/chatting -although all that I may do is sit in my room and sleep all day, or day-dream all day, or playing with my computer all day, or a combination of all!

Well, our exams are just 4 days away(gulp!)...and I haven't even laid my hands on any of the books. I was returning from the college, when I saw many of my classmates, all dressed-up, leaving for 'Backwaters'(IIMK). My heart longed to join them, but instead, I gave them a pitiful sigh, as they would be wasting their time over there, while I can use the time and mug in my room. But just then it struck me, that it was my last year in college, and why the heck should I sit and slog here, when I can as well give myself a break and go have some fun.

The 'nerd-me' and the 'non-nerd-me' had a great inconclusive debate, which can be compared to our parliament sessions, and finally one decision making phone call made to my parents, confirmed that I was infact going![Sigh! I might be probably the only 21 year old who still have to seek parental permission even for such cases..:( ]

By the time the rest of the group had already got into the TATA Sumo and were about to leave. I was in CM's room, eating Aloo Parathas that somebody flicked from the mess. I quickly changed there, grabbed somebody's handbag and dashed off. I wasn't even dressed decently -my hair uncombed, no earrings or chain or any kind of jewelery on - I looked like a runaway Pentecost. As I reached the main gate, Appu came running behind me, swearing -I had accidentally run off with her phone :|

It is really cool to travel through the Calicut roads at night! We reached the IIMK campus and was stopped at the security gate to check our IDs. Damn! I had forgotten to take mine. I had made it till here. Don't tell me I have to go all the way back again! I started cursing myself. But soon enough I found out that being invisible has its own advantages. They didn't seem to have seen me. I got in without any of those darned IDs!

The campus was really awesome. It is situated on the top of a hill. The ride uphill reminded me of one of those trips to the holiday hill stations.

Once we got out of the car, we went on a photo taking spree. We didn't spare any nook or corner. We wanted to get it across to those 'nerdos' mugging back in hostels that we were indeed having fun. We were behaved like a bunch of drunk hooligans. We didn't want any of them to know that we were from NITC, so in all our 'loud conversations', we mentioned Medical college and KMCT more than a few times. ;)

We didn't even spare the toilets(gents'!) or the random statue or the random tree or the random lawn

There were very few programs, and very few participants. The crowd was also less, especially compared to the stampede-level crowd in the NITC OAT during ProShows! So we were um...pretty much bored, which might explain our new found fondness for the camera.

Our dance team did a wonderful job though.

The other event was fashion show. It still remains a mystery, the purpose of these FS. I wonder why people go gaga over FS. Oh yea there are hot guys and girls on the ramp to ogle at, but I really dont get the point. The other day I was watching some FTV programme and I realized how people can 'adapt themselves' to survive with minimal clothing during these hard times of recession.

The Medical college team had an interesting show. Their theme was one that gave a message -AIDS- and there were HIV viruses, gays and guys with inflated condoms on their heads, walking down the ramp!

It was past midnight when we got back, and we returned with not much of memories, but lots of snapshots.

Oh my Gosh! Reality strikes again -I've got exams in a couple of days(gulp!). Hope I don't screw them up!(gulp!gulp!)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

51. The final phase

The final phase began today. Can’t really believe that 4 years could have gone past so fast. Time flies indeed!

So as I was saying, classes started today, after what could hardly be called a vacation of a couple of days. Our counterparts in other NITs and IITs are enjoying their month long vacation. Hmph! But no complaints though –hardly 4 more months in the campus –I bet we’re gonna cherish each and every day of this sem(we better do!).

As usual the registration day was one heck of a day. Every year, the registration –a process which though it could be completed in a matter of minutes almost always eats up an entire day -is just an indication of how the rest of the sem is going to be! This year was no different and the day saw confused, frustrated, people running helter-skelter, shuttling between the Academic block, the bank and the department building, standing in long queues which move at snail’s pace, fighting over course electives.......At the end of the day, all that one can look forward to is exhaustion, frustration, exasperation and cursing of the whole damn system! No matter how much technology develops, no matter what new sophisticated computerised facilities they implement, the registration day continues to be a bedevilled day.

And my registration especially, invariably turns out to be doubly jinxed. This time, I lost the ATM slip of the fee payment and I learnt the hard way, the value of the puny little piece of paper. Last time, I had lost my college ID card and the year before, I had lost the password to my internet banking -each leading to enduring the yelling of N number of people from inside the college as well as outside... “You cant even remember a password, and you have come to study engineering?”... “Can’t you be responsible enough to atleast keep your ID card safe”... “You won’t be able to register unless you get a written permisson from the registrar”... Man! The people here can be really mean! All said and done, the last registration in this campus is over. Sigh! That’s a little sad..... :(

The first day was ‘perfect’ too. As usual I timed myself to get ready by 7.50am so that I can have a 5-minute breakfast and make it to the class at sharp 8. I count on my ‘Cruiser’ (ladybird cycle :P) for my last minute escapades. And guess what awaited me today? –A drenched cycle with a flat tyre! The gardener chechi always asks me to keep the cycle away from her garden and this time I got her message loud and clear...and a little wet too:|. I had no time to wipe off the water and rode on the wet cycle. On my way to the classroom, I had to carry my bag quite low, lest people should talk about my ‘wet back’, behind by back. I noticed the flat tyre only when my ‘cruising’ became unusually tedious; I decided to pedal the rest of the way, anyway. My calf muscles were cursing me the whole day.

Luckily we had only intro classes, but we are already loaded with assignments and seminars. What’s more, we have every day, afternoon classes too! So much for the no-study-just-chill-out final year myth! But hope we have a blast of a sem! keeping fingers crossed! :)